Hello, I'm

Welcome to my Portfolio Website. Scroll down to learn more about my skills and projects.


About Me

I am a dedicated data analyst with a comprehensive skill set that includes proficiency in data wrangling & exploration. My passion lies in the art of analyzing data, extracting meaningful insights, and presenting them through compelling visualizations. Always driven by a curiosity for new technologies and programming languages, I am committed to continuous learning and skill advancement. My proactive approach involves regularly undertaking courses and certifications to stay at the forefront of industry developments. Through a combination of hands-on experience and a thirst for knowledge, I am equipped to tackle data challenges, contribute to informed decision-making, and thrive in an ever-evolving technological landscape.


  1. • MS Access & Excel
  2. • Oracle & MySQL RDBMS
  3. • SQL
  4. • Python
  5. • (Pandas|Numpy|Matplotlib|Seaborn)
  6. • R
  7. • Power BI
  8. • Tableau
  9. • KNIME
  10. • Git
  11. • Power Automate & Apps

My Projects

    MySQL Data Analysis

    Analysis of coffee distribution dataset over 94 countries from 1960 to 2023.

    Tableau Visualizations

    Tableau portfolio showcasing diverse datasets with captivating visualizations.

    SpaceX Python Data Analysis

    Python Libraries: Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib & Seaborn

    Machine Learning

    Comming Soon

Let's Connect

If you have any questions or would just like to say hi, you can contact me through any of the platforms below.